Images, texts, transcripts, and viral ephemera

  • Image Archive

    Images taken on analog Fujifilm camera over the course of the Journal Entries used in VIROLOGY

  • Paul sepuya book cover photo shoot

    Photos taken by Joseph Osmundson and Paul Mpagi Sepuya in Paul’s Los Angeles Studio.

    Mirror studies for VIROLOGY with grease pencil drawings

  • Audio Transcripts

    Full audio transcripts of conversations between Joe and Steven D Booth (Zoom call, Nov 9 2020) and Joe and Ngofeen (in person interview, phone calls, March 2020)

  • Audio File Archive

    .mp3 files of interviews used in the text of VIROLOGY

  • COVID-19 Journal, March 2, 2020 - Nov 1, 2020

    Unedited (except when noted) COVID-19 journal as used in the text of VIROLOGY

  • COVID-19 Working Group Page (with archive of statements etc)

    COVID-19 Working Group, NY webpage, including and online repository of statements and letters drafted by the organization.